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Burst pipe repairs

Call our burst pipe specialist now on 0410 006 994 and one

of our emergency plumbers will be at your door promptly to

rectify the problem adequately. Our friendly skilful Plumbers

can repair and replace your pipes whether they’re plastic (PVC),

metal, copper, lead or stainless steel 24/7 in an emergency

nightmare like burst pipes.


Busted Water Pipes or Leaks could be a total disaster not

only can we assist you with a plumbing solution but we also

can provide you services for carpet, tile and upholstery flood

damage restoration. For further information please contact

Revolution Plumbing for all your plumbing and carpet restoration

needs on 0410 006 994.


While Revolution Plumbing makes their way to your premises you can do the following to help limit the further or possible damage caused by a leaking/burst pipe.

The water damage from a burst hot or cold water pipe can be substantial causing structural and electrical damage to your home or office so it's important to turn the water supply off as quickly as possible.


1. Turn off the water supply

Turn off the main shutoff valve/stopcock. In a house situation the shutoff valve is located at your water meter. It may not be visible due to being either covered by an overgrown garden or buried slightly below ground. It can usually be found just inside your front boundary in line with the left or right corner of your house. In a home unit the shut off valve can be found either under the kitchen sinks near the "waste stack" or under the laundry tub or above or below the cistern valve in the main bathroom. Once found, turn the valve in a clockwise direction to turn off the water supply


2. Drain the system

Then drain the system by turning on all your cold taps and flushing your toilets. When the taps stop running the leak should stop.


3. Turn off water heating systems

Switch off the central heating, immersion heater and any other water heating systems. If the central heating uses solid fuel, let this die out. Once water heating has shut down, turn on the hot taps to help drain the system.


4. Turn off the electrics

If water from the burst pipe is leaking near your electrics or electrical appliances, switch off the mains immediately. If the mains switch is wet, don't touch it or you could risk electrocution! Call a qualified electrician immediately.


5. Be safe

If you notice the leak quickly you can catch dripping water in buckets. However, if water has been leaking through for some time and the ceilings are bulging, rooms may not be safe to enter. If the ceiling is bulging and you're confident that there is no danger, punch a small hole in it with a screwdriver to let the water drain, and if you have a home emergency policy that covers you for burst pipes, get in touch with your insurer as soon as possible.

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